Fbise Notes-Computer | Fundamentals of Computer Short Questions

Fundamentals of Computer CH# 01
Questions and Answers

i.                       Describe Napier’s Bone and Slide Rule.

     Ans:          Napier’s Bone:
                            John Napier a Scottish mathematician invented a calculating device called
              Napier’s Bone in 1614. It consisted of a wooden box containing rotating cylinders
              each of which had the digits from 0 to 9. It could multiply, divide and find square
               roots. His biggest achievement was the invention of logarithm.

                       Slide Rule:
                       Based on the idea of logarithm, English mathematician, William Oughtred
developed a device called Slide Rule in 1920s. it was very useful for solving    problems  that involved multiplication and division. It has three parts slide, rule and a transparent sliding cursor.               

ii.                  Compare 1st and 3rd generation computers.

Ans:  Ist Generation Computers:
First generation use vaccum tube. It generated so much heat that it had to be cooled by air conditioner.vaccum tube burnt out often and it was difficult to repair and maintain it.
Features of First generation computers:
i.                    They use vaccum tube.
ii.                  Slow in speed and memory was limited.
iii.                Huge in size and take entire room.
iv.                Consumed more power and generated lot of heat.
v.                  Input was based  on punched cards.

Example: ENIAC, UNIVAC, IBM 604, Mark I and EDSAC.

3rd  Generation Computers:
Integrated circuits were used in these computers. ICs were developed in 1960s. a single chip contains a large number of transistors. IC chip increased the power of these computers.
Features of 3rd Generation Computers:
i.                    They used IC chips.
ii.                  Computers consumed less power and generate less heat.
iii.                The ICs improved the speed and memory of these computers.
iv.                They are more reliable than 2nd and 1st generation computers.
v.                  Keyboard and monitors were used in these computers.
Example: IBM 360, system3, Control Data Corporation’s3300 and6600 computers.


iii.    Differentiate between analog and digital computers.

Ans: Analog Computers:
They represent and process data by measuring quantities such as voltage and current to solve a problem. They work on supply of continuous signals as input and display out put simultaneously. They are special purpose devices, designed to perform single specific task. The accuracy is low but they are faster in speed as compared to digital computers.
Example: Heath Kit EC-1 an educational analog computer by USA in 1960

        Digital Computers:
                        They work with digits. Everything in digital computer is represented with binary digits 0s and 1s. they manipulates them at very fast speed. They can store and process large amount of information at high speed. The results produce by these computers are reliable and accurate. They are general purpose computers.
      Example: IBM PCs, and Apple Macintosh computers


iv.                Ahmed, a class IX student is asking his father to replace his home computer CRT monitor with LCD monitor. How will you justify his demand?      

       Ans: Justification:
                        LCDs are free from geometric image distortions. They have uniform screen
                brightness. They are flicker free. They are smaller than CRT monitors. They also
                require less energy than CRT monitors.

      v.    What will happen if storage devices are removed from a computer?     

      Ans:     Storage devices are the fundamental components of a computer. The purpose of
               these devices is to store the information and also retrieve it. If storage devices are
               removed than it will be impossible to store the information on computer.

    vi.    Differentiate between system software and application software.

System Software
Application Software
System software is a collection of  programs which makes the use of computer easy and efficient.
Application software is developed for computer users to solve their problems.
Highly experienced computer programmers develop system software.
Used to write letters, create presentations or managing database.
Examples: O.S, device drivers, utility programs and language processors.
Example: Productivity software, business software and education software.


 vii.    How a student can use a computer to improve academic performance?       

 Ans:  A student can improve his academic performance by using computer in a number of
i.                    Using computer applications increases the student learning motivation.
ii.                  They can use testing application to improve their test performance.
iii.                By surfing internet for the learning purpose they can increase their area of study.
iv.                They can use different case studies for their learning.
v.                  They become active in class due to awareness and updation.


  viii.    Give any three uses of computers in a school library?

    Ans:  Uses of computer:
i.                    Access to large amount of information.
ii.                  Advance search and retrieval of information.
iii.                 Access to primary information resources.
iv.                Integration with other digital libraries.
v.                  Access to global information using internet.


   ix.    Name few house hold appliances in which microprocessor are used.

    Ans:   Appliances using Microprocessor:
                       Mobile phones, ovens, cameras, washing machines and LEDs etc.


  x.    What are the tasks performed by operating system?

    Ans: Tasks Performed by O.S:
a)      It loads programs into memory and executes them.
b)       It controls the operations of I.O and storages devices.
c)       It manages files and folders.
d)      It detects hardware failures. 

Fbise Notes-Computer | Fundamentals of Computer Short Questions Fbise Notes-Computer | Fundamentals of Computer Short Questions Reviewed by fbisenotes on July 16, 2019 Rating: 5


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