i. What is word processor? Write some advantages of it over a typewriter.
Ans: Word Processor:
Word processor is computer application software that is used for the creation of different types of documents on the computer.
Ms Word:
It is a common processing program used in Ms Office. Some advantages of using word processing over a Typewriter are as under;
- We can delete Mistakes.
- We can check the spellings.
- Different fonts can be used.
- We can save the document.
- It provides different colors and pictures.
- We can e-mail over documents.
ii. Name any three types of documents which can be prepared in word.
Ans: Word processor can be used to prepare different types of documents like letters, reports, resumes, newsletters, memos, and flyers etc.
iii. Differentiate between page break and section break.
Ans: Page Break:
A page break is a marker that tells Word program that the contents which follow are to appear on a new page. Word automatically inserts a page break when user wants to add a new page to the document.
Section Break:
A section break also inserts a new page but it allows the user to change the page format without having any effect on the formatting of the previous pages
Example: section break can be used to break a document into sections having
different header and footer for each chapter of a book.
iv. Why header and footer are important in a word document?
Ans: Header:
Header refers to information that appears at the top of a page.
Footer refers to information that appears at the bottom of a page.
Importance of header and footer:
Header and footer plays very important role in a document. it gives
us the recognition of a document. it may include book title, document title, chapter number and title, page number and company name etc.
v. What is the purpose of control buttons in Word window?
Ans: Control Buttons:
In computer every window has a set of three control buttons on the right side of title bar. These are Minimize, Maximize and restore or close button.
Minimize Button:
This button is used to minimize or screen of the window. the program remains open behind the screen.
Maximize Button/Restore Button:
This button is used to enlarge the window. But by clicking the button
again we can return the window to its original size, that's why this button is also called restore button.
Close Button:
This button is used to close the running program or window. It has a
different color than the other two buttons.
different color than the other two buttons.
vi. Why hyperlinks are created in Word document?
Ans: Hyperlinks:
they just get the required information by clicking the link. it may be
a text or graphic.In other words it is location address inserted into
document that links to another object or location.
vii. Name any three areas of application of excel.
Ans: In MS excel we can perform calculations like calculator and
manipulate any text like MS word. Here are some application areas of excel;
Pivot Tables:
They summarize large amount of excel data from database, where first row contains headings and the other values.
Conditional Formatting:
It helps users to quickly focus on important aspects or to highlight errors
or to identify important patterns in data.
Sorting and Filtering:
sorting and filtering your data save much time of the users and make the
excel spreadsheet more effective and powerful.
Basic Math:
We can type the calculation we want to perform directly into the cell or
the formula bar and on pressing enter the answer will be shown in the cell.
Mixed type Charts:
Mixed or combo charts combine two styles, excel column chart and line chart.
This format is helpful where we want to show variation.
manipulate any text like MS word. Here are some application areas of excel;
Pivot Tables:
They summarize large amount of excel data from database, where first row contains headings and the other values.
Conditional Formatting:
It helps users to quickly focus on important aspects or to highlight errors
or to identify important patterns in data.
Sorting and Filtering:
sorting and filtering your data save much time of the users and make the
excel spreadsheet more effective and powerful.
Basic Math:
We can type the calculation we want to perform directly into the cell or
the formula bar and on pressing enter the answer will be shown in the cell.
Mixed type Charts:
Mixed or combo charts combine two styles, excel column chart and line chart.
This format is helpful where we want to show variation.
viii. Differentiate between relative and absolute cell addressing in Excel.
Ans: Relative Cell Addressing:
Relative cell address means when a formula is copied to other cell, the cell references in the formula change to reflect the formula's new location.
Enter the formula =B5+C5+D5 in cell E5 to claculate the total
numbers. Copy the formula in E6. the formula in E6 becomes =B6+C6+D6,
the cell references automatically changed based on the relative position.
Absolute Cell Addressing:
User can address a particular cell location no matter where the
formula appears by using absolute cell address. it keeps cell address
constant when copying a formula or function.
The formula begins with $ sign e.g; =$C$5 + $D$5
ix. What are the advantages of protecting an Excel worksheet?
Ans: Advantages:
Sometimes you may not want others to edit or delete your important data.
In excel worksheet you can protect your sensitive data or information in
elements down to the cell level. When a worksheet is protected others
can only view it but changes cannot be made.
Steps to protect a worksheet:
- Click Review tab in the Ribbon.
- Click Protect Sheet command in the Changes group.
- Enter a password and click OK
- Re-enter password to confirm.
x. How graphical representation of spreadsheet data can be helpful in business.
Ans: Graphical Representation of Data:
Charts are very useful in representing data. most commonly used chart is column chart. excel allows business users to unlock the potential of their data by displaying data in visual form i.e; graphs or charts.
Using pie charts, graphs and clustered columns adds meaning
to data.These visualizations can add extra emphasis to business reports
and marketing materials.
Charts are very useful in representing data. most commonly used chart is column chart. excel allows business users to unlock the potential of their data by displaying data in visual form i.e; graphs or charts.
Using pie charts, graphs and clustered columns adds meaning
to data.These visualizations can add extra emphasis to business reports
and marketing materials.
Fbise Notes-Computer | Office Automation Short Questions chapter no.3
Reviewed by fbisenotes
July 18, 2019

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