Fbise Notes-Computer | Fundamental of Operating System Short Questions

 Fundamentals of Operating System Short Questions CH# 02
Questions and Answers

i.                       Why Operating System is important software for a computer? Give any five reasons.

Ans:           Operating system is important software for a computer because of:

a)      Process Management
b)      Memory Management
c)      Input/Output Management
d)     File Management
e)      Resource Management
f)       User Management


ii.                  Give any three objectives of operating system?

Ans:   1.     It makes the computer more convenient to use.
2     It allows computer resources such as CPU, memory and I/O devices to be used in an efficient way.
3.       It can be viewed as a resource manager.


iii.    Mention few disadvantages of using DOS.

Ans:           DOS is CLI interface. In order to work properly in DOS, the user has to learn   
          all the required commands. These commands are difficult to remember. It is single user OS and single task OS. It cannot support graphics.


iv.                Name two operating systems which are used in modern mobile phones.

       Ans: The modern mobile operating systems are;

i.                    Android OS (Google Inc)

ii.                  Bada (Samsung Electronics)

iii.                iPhone OS/iOS(Apple)

iv.                Palm OS (Garnet OS)

v.                  Symbian OS (Nokia)


v.                  What difficulties a student may face if he or she is not familiar with the
  Operating system of a computer?

      Ans:      Without basic knowledge of an operating system a student may face difficulties  of steps involved in installation of operating system, office automation and antivirus. He must know how to give commands to computer to operate it properly. Internet is the best source for him to learn quickly about the OS.


     vi.    Define UNIX and Windows operating system.

Ans:     UNIX OS:
                   UNIX is a multi-user CLI operating system. It was introduced in 1969. It was
            developed for use on large computer systems like mainframe. Later on GUI was also
            introduced in UNIX.

            Windows OS :
                        It is the most popular OS used on micro-computers. It was developed by
            Microsoft. Windows has GUI interface and easy to use as compared to UNIX, that’s
            why it was introduced as user-friendly OS. Some popular versions of Windows are;
a)      Windows 95
b)      Windows 98
c)      Windows Millennium
d)     Windows XP
e)      Windows Vista
f)       Windows 7, 8 and 10



    vii.    Differentiate between single-user and multi-user operating system?

     Ans:   Single-User Operating System:
                                    OS that is used by a single user at a time is known as single user
            operating system. Some features are;

i)                    It allows single user to login and use the computer at a time.
ii)                   Resources of computer are not shared.
iii)                It is used on microcomputers
iv)                It require less memory
v)                  They are not very costly computers
             Examples Windows XP and Windows 7 etc.

   Multi-user Operating System:
                              OS that allows many users to use computer at the same time is known
       as multi-user OS. Some features are;
i)                    It allows many users to login and run different programs at a time.
ii)                  It shared the resources with other computer over the network.
iii)                Administrator is responsible for allocation of resources.
iv)                They are costly computers.       
    Examples Windows NT, UNIX and LINUX 


  viii.    What is meant by managing data and why is it important?

A         Managing data means storing data files in secondary storage devices, such as hard disk or USB flash in an organized way. This helps in searching of files easily and quickly. These files are stored in folders. Folders are the best mean for this  organization.


ix.   What is meant by resources of computer?

Ans:    The resources of a computer include microprocessor, memory and all the devices attached to the computer. The operating system allocates these resource to the programs according the user’s requirement.


x.    What types of problems may a student face if no antivirus is installed in his            or her computer system?

   Ans:                  If no antivirus is installed on a computer, a student may face a number of problems  due to virus attack. The viruses may damage the data, software or the computer itself.
                       Some activities of a virus are;
a)      Copy it to other programs.
b)      Display information on the screen.
c)      Destroy data files.
d)     May erase entire hard disk.

Fbise Notes-Computer | Fundamental of Operating System Short Questions Fbise Notes-Computer | Fundamental of Operating System Short Questions Reviewed by fbisenotes on July 15, 2019 Rating: 5

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