Fbise Notes-Computer | Fundamentals of Operating System Long Questions

Long Question Answers Chapter no.2

i.                       Explain the main functions of operating system.

               The main functions of OS are;

                    Process Management:
                                   It is an essential part of OS. A process is a program in execution. In                   
computer system processes are executed concurrently or waiting for their turn. A  process need resources like processing resource, I/O resource and memory

                     Memory Management:
                                Memory management is the process of allocating memory space for user
programs in main memory. When the programs are run by users OS allocate portion  of free memory to programs. When the program is closed OS will free the memory
                       portion for  re use.

                     Input/Output Management:
It is the process of controlling the operation of all the I/O devices attached to the computer. User communicate through various I/O devices such as keyboard, mouse, monitor etc. management of these devices is the responsibility of OS.

File Management:
It is the part of OS that organizes, stores and keep track of files and folders in the computer. These files may be programs, images , audio or video, etc. OS controls the common operations perform on files. These operations include creating, opening, editing, copying, deleting the files.


Resource Management:
Operating system automatically manages the resources of a computer when application programs are executed. The resources include microprocessor, memory and all the devices attached to the computer. OS allocate these resources to the application programs according to the requirement.

                       User Management:
User management is an important feature of OS for maintaining a secure computer system. The OS gives full control over a computer to a person known as administrator. He installs various programs on the computer for users. He also creates and manages user accounts. A user is assigned a user name and a password. The Admin allows the user to run various programs installed on the computer. The admin does not allowed him to install new programs or create new users.         


ii.                  Describe the following computer interfaces.

i)          Command Line Interface
ii)         Graphical User Interface
iii)        Menu-driven Interface
     Ans: Command Line Interface:
In this interface commands are given to computer with a keyboard. It is based on textual input. The user types in a command and presses the enter key to execute it. Two commonly used operating systems that use CLI are DOS and UNIX.
            Graphical User Interface:
This is a graphical interface uses windows, icons, menus and pointers. To perform a task, the user has to select icons or make choices in menus using a  pointing device like mouse. Some advantages of GUI interface are;

i.                    Easy to learn.
ii.                  No need to memorize the commands.
iii.                 Allow to run more than one programs.
iv.                User friendly as compared to CLI.    

Menu-driven Interface:
                        It presents menu on the screen. User makes a choice and then the next menu appears. It is easy to use as compared to CLI. The user reads the options and make his choice. These interfaces are normally used in mobile phones and iPods etc. the two common menu driven operating systems are, Novell’s Netware and ProDOS.


iii.   Describe the following types of Operating system.

Ans:  Batch Processing System:
                                     In a batch processing system jobs are grouped in batches and the computer executes them one by one. When the current job terminates the computer automatically loads the next job and starts executing it.
Batch processing systems are suitable for tasks where large amount of data has to be collected and processed on regular basis. For example, in credit card billing systems, in examination card system. 
        Time-Sharing System:
                                In time sharing system multiple users can run different programs. It allows many users to have access to a computer at the same time and share the computer’s time. These operating systems are used in minicomputer and mainframe computer. Time sharing OS are used in organizations such as airline, bank hotel and universities etc., where many users need to access the central computer at the same time.
                Real-time System:
                                These operating systems must process information and produce a  
    response within a specified time. Real time OS are developed for special applications.  
    They are used to control industrial processes such as oil refining. For example a
     measurement from an oil refinery indicating that temperatures are getting too high might
    demand quick responses to avoid an explosion.
    They are also used in military and space research programs. It is used to monitor the  
     position of rocket in space.



iv.                Write short note on the following:

a)         Macintosh
b)         Linux
Ans:           Macintosh OS:
                                    Macintosh OS is a series of operating system by apple incorporation for their macintosh computer. It was introduce in 1984 and has GUI interface. The latest version is Mac OS X. It is UNIX based user friendly operating system. Some are used on iPhone, iPad, iPod and new Apple TV.

                 Linux Operating System:
                              Linux is a free open- source operating system. It was introduced by Linus Torvaids in 1991. It was faster but difficult to use as compared to Mac OS and Windows OS. Millions of programmer around the world work on Linux to improve it. It gave much security against viruses and spy attacks as compared to windows. It can be installed on PCs, laptops and mobiles. Popular distribution of Linux includes Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, Red Hat and openSUSE etc.

  v.    Describe the basic icons of windows operating system.

Ans:           An icon is a small graphical symbol that represents a file, folder, application or  device. It has a label at the bottom describing its name. The basic icons are as under;

a.       Recycle Bin
b.      My Computer
c.       Folder Icon
d.      File Icon
e.       Program Icon
f.       Shortcut Icon

Recycle Bin:
When a file or folder is deleted it goes to the Recycle Bin. It is a temporary place for deleted items. The user can restore any file or folder to its original location.     

My Computer:
It allows the user to access the contents of computer drives and manage files and folders.      

Folder Icon:
A folder is used to store files. It can have another folder inside it, called subfolder. It resembles a physical file folder and is by default yellow in color.

File Icon:
In GUI interface files are also represented by icons. It may contain text, image, audio or video data. The image varies according to data.

Program Icon:
Executable program files are also represented by icons. The image of icon varies according to the program.

Shortcut Icon:
To access files or folders quickly shortcut icons are created. They have an arrow at the bottom left corner and the name below it.


Fbise Notes-Computer | Fundamentals of Operating System Long Questions Fbise Notes-Computer | Fundamentals of Operating System Long Questions Reviewed by fbisenotes on July 16, 2019 Rating: 5

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