Programming Techniques CH# 01
Questions and Answers
Short Questions
Ans: A computer is a general-purpose
electronic machine invented to help people solve various problems. Programming techniques
are used for solving problems on computer.
ii. What is algorithm and what is the role of algorithm in problem solving?
Ans: Algorithm:
Algorithm is a step-by-step problem solving
method that is easy to understand and follow. It defines a sequence of
operations to solve a problem.
iii. What is flowchart?
Ans: FlowChart:
Flowchart is a diagrammatic representation of algorithm.
It describes what operations are required to solve a given problem.
iv. What are the advantages of using flowchart?
Ans: Advantages of Using Flow Chart:
1. It provides an easy way to analyze and find
solutions of problem.
2. It is very helpful in communicating the
problem to other people.
3. It helps in finding and removing errors in
computer programs.
4. It illustrates the sequence of operations.
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Fbise Notes-Computer-10th Class | Programming Techniques Ch.No 01 Short Questions
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July 20, 2019
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