Fbise Notes-Computer | Programming Techniques Long Questiions

Programming Techniques Chapter No.1

Extensive Questions

Q.No1 Describe the steps involved in problem solving. 

Ans: There are five steps involved in problem solving these are:

1.      Defining the Problem.
2.      Analyzing the Problem. 
3.      Planning the solution of the problem.
4.      Candid solutions of a problem.
5.      Select the best solution.

Defining the Problem:
It is the initial stage of problem solving. It is important it understand the problem before starting the work. The steps to define are:
a.       Carefully read the problem and understand what it tells.
b.      Find out what the problem asks.
c.       What information can be obtained from the problem?
d.      What is required to be calculated as a solution.

Analyzing the Problem:
Here the programmer investigates the problem and gathers the information to find the solution. The following questions are to be asked:

i.                    Is it possible to solve the problem on the computer?
ii.                  What is to be done to find the solution of the problem?
iii.                What is the proper sequence of steps to solve the problem?
iv.                What are the inputs and what output is required?
v.                  How many solutions are possible?
vi.                Which solution is the best and why?
vii.              How solution will be implemented?  

Planning the Solution of the Problem
Planning is the creative stage, it refers to divide the solution into steps and arranging them into proper order that will solve the problem.

Candid Solutions of a problem:
To find the candid solution the programmer has to look for different methods to solve the problem and come up with several solutions.

Select the best Solution:
After finding the candid solutions, only one solution can be selected. The selection of final solution of a problem should be based on the following criteria.

The selected solution should be efficient, the program should run fast.
            The solution should provide cost-effective way of implementation.
   The selected solution should not be complicated. It should contains minimum number of instructions.    

    Q.No2   Write an algorithm to calculate the area of a rectangle for given                                breadth and length?       

     Ans:  Algorithm to find the Area of a rectangle

            Step 1:            Start
                        Let   L be the given length and B be the given breadth 
     Step 2:   Area of a rectangle = L x B

Step 3:   PRINT Area of rectangle

Step 4:  Stop


              Q.No.3    Write an algorithm that inputs length in inches and calculates                                                      and prints it in centimeter? 

    Ans:  Algorithm to find the product of given numbers

            Step 1:            Start
                        Let   l = length in inches 
     Step 2:  length in cm = l * 2.54

Step 3:    PRINT  length in cm

Step 4:   Stop


       Q.No.4      Write an algorithm that inputs marks and prints the message                                “PASS” Or “FAIL” passing marks are 33. 

       Ans: Algorithm to find the message PASS or FAIL

            Step 1:            Start
                        Let   m = marks
     Step 2:  if m > = 33 GOTO step 3  otherwise GOTO  step 4

Step 3:   PRINT “PASS”  GOTO  step  5

Step 4:   PRINT  “FAIL”

Step 5:  Stop



           Q.No.5    Write an algorithm to find the sum of given sequence. 

                               SUM = 20+25+30+35+40+45+50+55+60

          Ans:      Algorithm to find the sum of given numbers

            Step 1:            Start
                        Let   sum = 20 
     Step 2:  sum =  sum +  5

Step 3:   if sum <  360 then   GOTO  step 2  otherwise  GOTO  step 4

Step 4:   Output

Step 5: Output

 Step 6: Stop


        Q.No.6  Write an algorithm to find the product of given                                                             numbers.       PRODUCT = 1x3x5x7x9x11x13x15

        Ans:   Algorithm to find the product of given numbers

            Step 1:            Start
                        Let   product = 1 and increment = 1 
     Step 2:  increment = increment + 2

Step 3:   Product = product * increment

Step 4:   if product < 2027025   then   GOTO  step 3  otherwise GOTO   step  5

Step 5: Output

             Step 6: Stop


          Q.No.7    Write an algorithm to print multiplication table of a number                                      in reverse order. 

          Ans:    Algorithm to find multiplication table

            Step 1:            Start
                        Let   num  be the number of multiplication table
         i        be the limit of table
 Step 2:  Let Product = num * i

Step 3:   Print Product

Step 4:   i = i – 1  if  i = 0  GOTO step 5   else    GOTO step 2

Step 5: Output
Step 6: Stop   


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Fbise Notes-Computer | Programming Techniques Long Questiions Fbise Notes-Computer | Programming Techniques Long Questiions Reviewed by fbisenotes on July 20, 2019 Rating: 5

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