Fbise Notes-Computer | Conditional Control Structure Short Questions Ch.No 4


   Conditional Control Structure        CH# 04

Questions and Answers

Short Questions

i.                      Differentiate between if and if-else selection structures.

Ans:  Structure of IF Statement:

                  The if statement has the following general form.
                  If (condition)

                              Block statement

            When this statement is executed, the condition is evaluated. If the condition is true then the block of the statements within the braces will be executed. If false then the control will be transferred to the next statement if exists. If there is only one statement then braces are not required. 

Structure of IF-ELSE  Statement:

                  The if-else statement has the following general form.
                  If (condition)

                              Block statements


                              Block statements


            When this statement is executed, the condition is evaluated. If the condition is true then the block of the statements within the braces will be executed and else will be skipped. If false then the block of statements following if will be skipped and else will be executed.         

ii.                  Differentiate between else-if and switch selection structure.

Ans:  Structure of ELSE- IF Statement:

                  The else-if statement has the following general form.
                  If (condition-1)

                              Block statements


                 else-If (condition-2)

                              Block statements

                else-If (condition-3)

                              Block statements



                              Block statements to be executed when
                              none of the conditions is true.


            When this statement is executed, condition-1 is evaluated, if it is true then the block of statements following if is executed and if it is false, the next condition is evaluated. If none of the conditions is true then the block of statements following  else is executed automatically. 

Structure of  SWITCH  Statement:

                  The switch statement has the following general form.
                  switch (expression)
                        Case const-1:

                       Case const-2:

The switch statement is similar to the else-if, it is used when multiple choices are given and one is to be selected.

1.       When switch statement is executed the expression is evaluated. The result of the expression is compared with constant values given after the keyword case.
2.      If the result matches the constant value then the statement under the case is executed.
3.       The purpose of break is to exit the body of switch statement.
4.       If no case is matched then the statements under the default keyword is executed. Its use is optional.


iii.    What is nested selection structure?

Ans:   Nested Selection Structure:
            The selection structure that is within another selection structure is known as nested selection structure. Sometime in computer programming it is required. This is also supported in C language.

      #include <stdio.h>
      #include <conio.h>
            void main (void)
              Int n;
            printf(“\n Enter a number:”);
            scanf(“%d ,&n”);
                        printf(“\n You entered a positive number.”);
                        If (n%2= = 0)
                        printf(“\n it is an even number.”);

                        printf(“\n it is an odd number.”);
                        Printf(“\nYou entered a negative number or zero.”);

Fbise Notes-Computer | Conditional Control Structure Short Questions Ch.No 4 Fbise Notes-Computer | Conditional Control Structure Short Questions Ch.No 4 Reviewed by fbisenotes on July 24, 2019 Rating: 5

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