Fbise Notes-Computer | Input and Output Handling Long Question Ch.No 3

Input and Output Handling Long Questions Ch. No 3 

  Q.No1  Describe how basic and compound assignment operators are used? 

  Ans:    Basic Assignment Operator:

The basic assignment operator is  = . this is used to assign value of an expression to a variable. It has the general form:
                                    variable = expression
where expression may be a constant, another variable to which a value has been assigned or a formula to be evaluated. For example:
                                    sum = a + b;
Compound Assignment Operator:

In addition to = , there are a number of assignment operators unique to C. these include +=, -=, /= and %= etc. suppose op represents an arithematic operator. Then, the compound assignment operator has the following general form.

                        variable op = expression
This is equivalent to:
                        variable = variable op expression

For example:
                        sum = sum + n;    or   sum += n;        



   Q.No2   Describe the functions of the following operators?

   Ans:  Relational Operator:
These are used to compare two values of the same type. These are used in expressions when a decision is to be based on a condition. After evaluation of a relational expression, the result produced is either True or False. These operators are used for decision making.
Types of Relational Operators:
                        Six types of relational operators are available in C.  These are;

= =
equal to
not equal to
less than
greater than
< =
less than or equal to
> =
greater than or equal to


Fbise Notes-Computer | Input and Output Handling Long Question Ch.No 3 Fbise Notes-Computer | Input and Output Handling Long Question Ch.No 3 Reviewed by fbisenotes on July 24, 2019 Rating: 5

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