Fbise Notes-Computer | Worldwide Web and HTML Long Questions Ch.No 7 10th class

www and html

Worldwide Web and HTML CH# 07


Long Questions and Answers

Q.No1 Describe any four types of websites.

Ans:  Types of Websites:
                        There is a large variety of websites on the web. Most popular types are;

1.      Web Portals:
it is a website that offers a large variety of services. These include online shopping malls, news, stock prices, e-mail and search engine. For example web portal of national university of sciences and technology(NUST).

2.      News Website:
              It provides information about current events and options. These sites publish news stories and let their visitors voice be heard. Some examples are www.thenews.com.pk, www.dailytimes.com and www.pakobserver.net .

3.      Educational Website:
               Educational website is created for educational purpose. It contains animation, slide presentations and tutorials to educate people. Some examples are www.ilmkidunya.com, www.pknotes.com, www.sabaq.pk .

4.      Business Website:
               It provides facilities to maintain business relationships and selling information. These sites facilitates exchange of business documents such as orders or invoices b/w supplier and customer. Examples are banking site, tick reservation site and stock market etc.  


Q.No2   Write the HTML tags for the following? 

  Ans:  Paragraph:








            Center text:

            Strike out:




            Font size, color and typeface:

                        <font size=?></font>
                        <font color=?></font>
                        <font face=?></font>


Q.No3 Create a web page in HTML that displays image of a computer.                                 The width of image should be 350 pixels and height 220 pixels.


                                   <title>Displaying image of a computer</title>
                                  <img src=“computer.jpg” width=350 height=220 alt=”computer  


Q.No4  Describe how background color and image are applied to web page.

         Background Color:
                     To apply a background color in a page insert the bgcolor attribute and foreground color.
         For example:
         <body bgcolor=red text=yellow>

               An image can be set as background of a page using the background attribute in the body           tag.
           For Example:
           <body background=”image.jpg”>     


Q.No5   Create an HTML document that contains a graphical hyperlink. 


                       <title>Inserting image Anchor</title>
                  <a  href=”http://www.fbise.edu.pk”><img src=”image.jpg”></a>


Q.No6   Describe the tags used for creating a table in HTML.


                       <title>Creating a Table</title>
                  <table border=1  cellspacing=3 cellpadding=8>
<td colspan=4 align=center>
<b>Final Examinaton 2018-19</b></td></tr>
<td>Class X</td>
<td>Mathematics X</td>


Fbise Notes-Computer | Worldwide Web and HTML Long Questions Ch.No 7 10th class Fbise Notes-Computer | Worldwide Web and HTML Long Questions Ch.No 7  10th class Reviewed by fbisenotes on July 27, 2019 Rating: 5


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